Of Beginnings and Beyond

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

OMG Moment .....

From my entry at Multiply ..... Last night my son, told me that he was in the Principals Honor Roll.... I was shocked for I know how hard he is really struggling to make and better grades. Instead of me saying, Congratulations! I said to him "Are you sure that you are in the Principals Honor Roll?" and he just said that's what my teacher said to me. I just said that's good then, if that is the case. How bad of a parent am I. Doubting my son.

Just a few minutes ago, He came home with a big smile on his face and never have I seen him like this from school. He handled me a piece of paper and indeed he is in the Principals Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. My eyes got teary and I just couldn't explain how happy I am to have good kids with good grades.

He is bragging about it and calling his Aunt's, Uncles, and Grandparents. Why not, right? I have seen him how he tries his best and always gives his very best when it comes to his studies and look at the pay off. He truly deserves this award.

I am so proud of my kids. Both are excelling in school and both are in the Honor Roll. Wow! just made my day so complete.

Posted By:CarmelaSolon @ 6:42 AM

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