Of Beginnings and Beyond

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Scared? Definitely.

I know that I am not the best wife or mom in the world but I try and tried my best to be one. I almost gave up but made a u turn cause I know it is worth saving and being here. But there are those days and nights that I would question myself did I made the right decision? Where did I go wrong?

It's hard to put things into words but I am sacred. Sacred and worried. But I have to think positive and knowing the HE will guides us into times like these. HE will not give up a problem without a solution in sight.

Sometimes, a problem can be a great solution that we do not see for we see the problem and not the solution with it. The unending hymn of life is full of trials. Trials that can make the weak weaker and the strong weaker as well. But being able to handle this life's trials will make a person a lot stronger and believing in himself that anything is possible.

I do believe in that, that anything is possible and the power of prayers!

Posted By:CarmelaSolon @ 6:30 AM

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